Ethical Trading Policy
This Disclosure Statement (“Statement”) has been published pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) and is made on behalf of rexalpha for the purposes of the Act.
rexalpha is committed to exacting standards of ethical conduct and compliance with applicable laws and we fully expect all our suppliers to conduct themselves in the same manner.
At rexalpha we are committed to ethical conduct and compliance with laws prohibiting human trafficking and slavery. The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 defines “modern slavery” as including the offences of “slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour” as well as “human trafficking”, all of these have in common the deprivation of a person's liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. We want our company to be a force for good and will always ensure that there are absolutely no human trafficking and forced labour activities anywhere within our organisation or our supply chain.
rexalpha is a manufacture, retailer and distributor of high-quality platinum cure silicone products specific to the fantasy dildo sector. We currently operate globally via e-commerce sites, Shopify and Etsy.
Rexalpha purchases the highest quality raw materials from suppliers based in the UK, we spend a huge amount of time sourcing the very best local and independent suppliers for our fully sustainable, eco-friendly packaging. We fully expect them to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and processes in place, and if an organisation doesn’t meet our own strict standards, then we simply won't work with them. Likewise, we also vet our forward chain (B2B) to ensure that where we send our goods have ethical policies that are adhered to.
rexalpha actively complies with the employment laws in the UK. rexalpha does not and will never use child forced labour, we have a zero-tolerance approach to anyone who does. If rexalpha uncovers any evidence of child forced labour within our chain, we shall immediately discontinue business with them.
rexalpha does not allow or condone physical punishment or abuse, again if rexalpha uncovers any evidence of forced labour within our chain, we shall immediately discontinue business with them.
rexalpha respects the freedom of individual employees to join, or refrain from joining, legally authorised associations or organisations.
Rexalpha fully complies with all applicable laws prohibiting human trafficking.